Vojna svetov

06. máj 2011 18 - 18.30h, AltArt Foundation, RO_Cluj
06. máj 2011 18 - 18.30h, Gallery Enter, SK_Bratislava
DJ Mortlacreier (RO)
AltArt Foundation
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Miesto: Cluj, Piata Unirii 9, in fata Ceainariei Demmers
Vojna svetov je zvuková projecia pouličného hluku Cluje do Bratislavy a naopak. Sú 2 čierne skrinky s mikrofónom a reproduktorom. Jedna je deň pred predstavením nainštalovaná v Bratislave a druhá v rumunskej Cluji. Skrinky prenášajú zvuky z jedného mesta do druhého. V čase performance začne zvukový umelec dj mortlacreier v Cluji spracúvať zvuky oboch miesta, miešať k nim nové prvky a celú produkciu vysielať do bratislavskej zvukovej krajiny.
Istvan Szakats, kurátor
Fundația AltArt
A project of AltArt Foundation
The War of the Worlds is a sound projection of the street noises of Cluj into Bratislava and of the street noises of Bratislava in Cluj. There are two black boxes - one in each city capturing and transferring the soundscape in which they are embedded into the other. The boxes function both as your senses in the other world and your teleportation device, making your presence felt one thousand kilometres away, in a different world. Thus, in its first reading, the system invites you to meditate on the meaning of being in a place: are you in a place if you sense it and others sense you in it? Of course not. For example, when you hear a car passing by, you may not know which city the car originated in...
The system constructs a hybrid and volatile sound space at each end around the boxes - as volatile and limited in boundaries or warranty as the system that generates it is. And this is the very point where you can be hijacked and teleported into a third world - an augmentation of the sound-conglomerate city you already believe you can trust as stable - just as Orson Welles did it in 1938 with his War of the Worlds. And that in this case you were told when the performance starts may just prove the instability of the system all the more… what if the intervention already started at 5 and the mix of normalities you perceive is already grossly pampered with? It is a challenge. And there's only one way to find out: by yourself.