Sat 22.04.06 13h Sun 23.04.06 19h
A4 - nultý priestor, BA
Jednoduchý workshop s cieľom naučiť sa riešiť základné životné problémy ako napríklad: FTP transfer, connecting a microphone to your computer, doing an animated gif or a minimal website, editing image or your own sound sample... Dámy, nebojte sa priniesť si so sebou okrem vašich obľúbených digitálnych mašiniek aj svoje otázky. Na tomto workshope vás zaručene nikto nepošle naspäť ku šporáku.
A small general workshop on computers and other digital technologies. Its aim is not to make you an expert in an application, but to help you solve everyday problems that you have might have when using a computer or other machines or help you find out how to do the things that you wanted, without sending you to RTFM. It can be FTP transfer, SSH, optimizing images from web, connecting your microphone to the computer, building a minimal website or finding out how to do a small animation. Just bring your questions and your machines, if you have any, and we will have a working session. Ladies only! :d]
