




program |
27-03 | | 8pm | A4 - Zero Space, BA | promo party / live performance |

29-03 | | 5pm | Polus City Center, BA | exhibition opening |
Irene Tetaz (ch/fr): You won`t recognize your brother between two drops of water |

30-03 | | 7pm | Roxy – NOD, PA | live performance / demoparty |
live.electronic.session.2: Fennesz (at), Jan Jelinek (de) |

31-03 | | 6pm | Synagogue, TT | lecture |
Rudolf Frieling (de): Contextualizing Bill Seaman. Historical and current issues related to text and image. |

01-04 | - 04-04 | | media7development, BA | workshop |
Open Source Multimedia Tools by Derek Holzer (us/nl) |

01-04 | | 3pm | BURUNDI displej, BA | lecture |
Rudolf Frieling (de): Mediating Media - a paradox? |

01-04 | | 7pm | HIT Gallery, BA | exhibition opening |
Vaclav Vancura (cz): Getting Witches with Joystick |

02-04 | | 11am | AFAD, BA | lecture |
Vaclav Vancura (cz): New Media Cook Book |

02-04 | | 5.3opm | Czech Centre, BA | lecture / presentation |
Pavel Vancat (cz): Festival IN OUT and contemporary video art / Michal Pechoucek (cz): Picture in Picture |

02-04 | | 6pm | A4 - Zero Space, BA | film projection |
Prix Ars Electronica 03 |

02-04 | | 8pm | A4 - Zero Space, BA | party / presentation / perfo / nite lecture |
BURUNDI start party / Pavel Sedlak & Bohus Ziskal (cz): CIANT / resonancity bratislava / Denisa Kera (cz): Technosexuality |

03-04 | | 5.3opm | Czech Centre, BA | lecture / presentation |
Tomas Dvorak (cz): Album, atlas, archive / Jesper Alvaer (no): Peregrination |

03-04 | | 7pm | Stanica, ZA | live performance |
Urbsounds Collective |

06-04 | | 6pm | PRIESTOR Gallery, BA | exhibition opening |
Kunst-fu featuring Zden: The numbers of dreams |

07-04 | | 3pm | A4 - Zero Space, BA | workshop |
Sssound workshops 3 |

07-04 | | 6pm | A4 - Zero Space, BA | film projection |
transmediale.04 |

07-04 | | 8pm | A4 - Zero Space, BA | live performance |
Guy van Belle (be) + workshop participants |

08-04 | | 4pm | Czech Centre, BA | lecture |
Vit Havranek (cz): Lanterna Magica – New technologies in the 20th-Century Czech Art |

08-04 | | 8pm | A4 - Zero Space, BA | final party / live performance |
Multiples: JB Kladivo, Rupert Huber (at), Franz Pomassl (at), Philipp Quehenberger (at), Guy van Belle (be) / tranzit.sk grants 2004 giving |

| - 31-03 | | Synagogue, TT | exhibition |
Bill Seaman (us): Epiphany |

| - 04-04 | | Czech Centre, BA | exhibition |
The devil entered in me |

| - 31-03 | | HIT Gallery, BA | exhibition |
GYATAM water sonic experiment |




Mária Rišková
Slávo Krekovič
Mária Čorejová
web and design
Dušan Barok
2001, Mária Rišková, Aneta Mona Chisa
title and logotype
2001, Robert Stupid Paršo

_Atrakt Art, Bratislava _BURUNDI datalab studio displej press, Bratislava _Czech Centre, Bratislava _Jan Koniarek Gallery in Trnava _Galeria PRIESTOR for Contemporary Arts, Bratislava _KARTEL / HIT Gallery, Bratislava _live electronic label Muteme, Praha _tranzit.sk _Truc spherique, Zilina _Urbsounds, Bratislava |