

exhibition opening
MULTIPLACE opening party + exhibition opening
Veza Gallery, Tovarenska 14, Bratislava
17 apr 2005 07pm

procesual design: Jano Šicko (sk)

During the Multiplace opening party we will climb from food to art in the industrial environment of the VeĎa Gallery tower and launch the festival in its founding city.

Part of the opening party is also the opening of an exhibition presenting two applications by Slovak designer Jan Šicko: Process and Kaligrapher. The main idea of the Process project is an experimental search of new attitudes to conventional typographical rules. The application also has a great potential for practical use in various presentations, installations, web design, etc. The output of the application is animation created in real time. The exhibition will present documentation of the various ways of working with Process. Kaligrapher is an application developed to be the visual component of the dance-literary project Love in Motion that explores the border between moving gesture and its semantic meaning. In real time the author creates visual compositions reacting to the movement of dancers, choreography or the meaning of poetry. Exhibition visitors will have a chance to work with the application and become, for a moment, either author of the scene or participant in the performance.
Exhibition curator: Mária Rišková

exhibition open: 18.-24.4.2005

org: Multiplace + Veza Gallery